Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Open Letter to Adele....


First off, I would like to say that your voice is the truth. I love your song: "Someone Like You", but once I listened to the words, I became concerned.

Let me get this straight. You found out that your ex has gotten married, so you somehow think its a good idea to show up at this mans crib or place of employment (the song doesn't really say)? Are you Kray???? He's married Adele! Does it really matter if he remembers what ya'll had or if he has feelings still....excuse me....isn't he an EX, and didn't he meet, fall in love, propose to, and marry, SOMEONE ELSE??? Did you think you was gonna show up, and he was gonna be like: "Forget my wife, I want you!"?

Oh Adele....

I really hope you didn't show up at his home. That is not safe. Do you know who his wife is? She may not be too pleased that her husbands ex has shown up uninvited to try to get him back... I hope this isn't a black woman, cause black women are super Cray....matter of fact I hope it isn't a white woman, cause I watched the marathon for the show "Deadly Women", and all those women were white. I don't want you to be a missing person Adele!!!

There are so many other ways that you could have reached out to him. A text message? Is he your friend on Facebook? You could have subtweeted him on Twitter to find out if he was happy in his marriage....showing up a good idea hun.

Do you not have friends? I am sure your homegirls had to tell you not to go see that man...hes married now.

I guess your ex wasn't really feeling you, or your visit because you was like :"Nevermind, I'll find, someone like you...."

For why though? He obviously wasn't the one, but yet you shrive to meet a ex boyfriend clone? You are ruining the minds of so many women out here! You got women out here searching for their ex, therefore meeting men just like their ex, therefore making a new ex cause the reason why they aren't with their ex is the same reason they shouldn't be with the new man who is now, in turn, an ex. Do you understand?

The song is very beautiful, but the message is kinda....well....psycho-stalkerish....and I mean that in the nicest way possible.

Your Fan,
Mz Hot Chocolate